Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mom? I can quilt too, right?

While making my latest handbag project, Tyler decided he would "help". He managed to get himself wrapped up with the fusible interfacing.

The bag is kind of a patchwork bucket style bag with dog themed fabrics and a very soft flannel lining. My husband suggested I sell this one ebay because to him it looked great and he thought other people would like one too! I usually make one of each project to donate to Basset Hound rescue and the others I make I attempt to sell myself.


  1. Oh I just love the picture of the basset "quilting" lolololol. But I am not letting mine see it in case they would get any ideas....

    Have a great day!

  2. Trust me.....bassets and helping usually do not mix too well! This basset in particular usually creates more problems than he fixes! They do have a good time doing it though!

  3. The bag is adorable! You are so talented. Tyler apparently thinks he is, too!
