Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thank You SP....

We rec'd our SP exchange gifts yesterday and what a lovely collection of "Basset Crap" it was! My very favorite was the blue metal magnet shaped like a basset hound! Very cool and locally made in NM,near our SP Judy along with Abbey and Pumpkin. Tyler, Ru and Hunny do love their treats and Emily's reaction to her book was priceless. Thank You for being a wonderful SP!
Our box went out but due to a "Rufus mis-hap" I had to re-make a good portion of the goodied inside! I left the box (about to be shipped) in our van which had the sliding door open. Didn't even think that Ru would climb up there to grab it. Usually Rufus waits for a lift into the van because his legs are weak. Apparently that was not the case when there's treats involved. Our SP's package was strewn over the lawn in shreds. Just imagine on my way to the post office and I see a tattered goody bag and the super pretty gift for our SP covered in mud!!!! Off to the basement I go to begin cutting blocks and sewing new SP gifties. I guess this all part of being owned by basset hounds. I love them but they can frustrate you to no end at times!!

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