That silly little song from years past has been playing through my head the past several days.....Typically, I love the Holidays. This year I'm not feeling the joy and celebratory atmosphere.
Emily turned two at the beginning of this month and is maturing daily. Now if only she'd grow!! She has to be one of the only two year olds still in a rear-facing car seat! She is talking in mostly clear sentences now and is becoming the little Diva we all knew was there while she was in the NICU.
While Em has been growing up she has also developed a love for the four-legged critters in our house. Her favorite is Rufus with Tyler taking up a close second. Ru, does not realize that he is 60+ pounds and tends to knock her over in his joy to see her.
Tyler usually steers clear of her unless she has food in her hands! This is evident by the picture that accompanied this post. Tyler is downright grumpy to have this little girl and her musical chair in "HIS ROOM" near "HIS BED"....aka the computer room and the futon!
Merry Christmas to all.....and here's to a fantastic 2010!
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