Monday, April 27, 2009

Help us raise money for March of Dimes

Emily and I along with my mother in law, Rosemarie, and Katie and Andrew are walking on May 16 to raise money for March of Dimes. You can see that their work is valuable and lifesaving by looking at the two pictures above. One this weekend at Gramma's house and the other on the day after Emily was born! Visit this link to donate.....

Help Emily and I raise money to prevent premature births. As many of you know Emily was born at 26 weeks and 1lb 11oz and benefited from the March of Dimes. We want to give back for all of their lifesaving research.

one day... all babies will be born healthy
today... too many moms and families know the heartbreak of having a baby born fighting to survive
I've joined March for Babies because the March of Dimes champions the needs of moms and babies in our community and across the nation. The money we raise for March for Babies will help:
- support all-important research offering preventions and solutions for babies born too soon or with birth defects
- educate women on things they can do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby
- provide comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care
- push for newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant women and children
Please help by donating today!
It's easy, safe and secure - just click to make your donation.
The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Little Boy Lost....part two

Last night around 6 we discovered that someone, has again, opened our gates and let the dogs out. Our neighbor, Staci, called us to let us know she had just put Rufus back in the yard. This is the third time in two months someone has done this to my dogs, excluding the hubby accident from a month ago. Tyler, of course, was the lone missing dog. We started our usual patrol of the neighborhood. Chuck in the car, myself with the two munchkins on foot.

This time I called the police and reported it, even though I was low on information. I just hope that somehow the culprit sees how devastating this can be to a dog owner. I had such a helpless feeling while Tyler was missing. I talked to anyone out on their porches soaking in the warm evening. No one has seen him. All of his usual spots had no Tyler. We cruised the neighborhood and further for almost three hours. Just past 9pm our neighbor, Ernie, brought our boy home.
Ernie found Tyler about 3 blocks away in someone's fenced in yard with two little yappers. I'm hoping that she didn't plan to keep him and was just waiting for the morning to call the number on his tags. I guess I will never know, but I am very thanful that Ernie joined in the search this time around. Tyler has returned to his futon and is lounging again as only a Basset Hound can do.